Cerchiamo, giorno dopo giorno, qualcosa a cui non sappiamo nemmeno dare un’identità. Felicità, scopo, soddisfazione, pace: questi nomi ci vengono in mente quando pensiamo a ciò che stiamo rincorrendo. Ma nella strada per trovarlo, una lotta dopo l’altra si susseguono, esteriori e interiori, mentre noi speriamo di raggiungerlo. Esisterà veramente?

Do we know War?

Who do you think you are?
Have you found it?
Are you searching?

The Answer is within reach

Is it?
Maybe not
Maybe tomorrow
Maybe in ten years

Maybe never

Sometimes you resist
(There is no reason)
Sometimes you give up
(There is no reason)
Sometimes the world is different
(There are many reasons)
Sometimes it is the same
(There are many reasons)

Who do I think I am?
Am I who I want to be?
Does it matter?
Will it ever?

Am I changing?

We wage a War
Within us
With others
Day in, day out
We struggle

Will we ever know Peace?